
Here is an archive of all my sites and layouts

June 2023

This was the beginning of my journey in the old web community. This was when I was on Neocities and didn't know what I was doing. Often times, I would resort to what other people would put on their websites and think "Yeah, I'll just do that."

The layout was made by AlmostSweet.

The self-portrait was made by my wonderful girlfriend, Wysteria.

(There was a background, but Wayback Machine doesn't show those for some reason.)

July 2023

Starting from this point, I began to switch layouts very often because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do in terms of how I want to portray myself in the community (not that it matters anyway).

In this layout, I wanted a chill and simplistic vibe. So I used a layout from Eggramen and worked from there.

(This layout also had a background, but it was a gif of some homey, chill cafe I found from Tumblr, I think.)

November 2023

This layout was around the time when I wanted to show off some of my projects that I had, and I was really into the retro terminal aesthetic and made a terminal-like splash page (see second image).

At this point, I was using my website as a way to show off who I am from a perspective of what I believed people should see me as, and not actively expressing who I really am. Which I no longer do today.

This is also the time when I started taking inspiration from layouts instead of using them outright. This layout was inspired by Whiona.

I also started blogging using and bearblog, but stopped after a while.

This layout also kickstarted my own webring called VRRing, a webring for virtual reality enthusiasts and gamers. You can check out this layout and the webring here.

June 2024

For a while, I neglected my website since I had a lot of other things going on in my life. I was playing a lot of VRChat and doing roleplay stuff, I started going to college again, and was spending a lot of time with my girlfriend.

I used 98.css as a baseline, then just used that to make whatever I wanted.

The bigger window on the right showed some stuff about me, and the nav bar on the left didn't even work.

Speaking of neglect, this is what my website looked like for a very long time, even when I switched over here to Nekoweb.