
You have arrived at my website! This is where I like to show the stuff I've worked on, talk about anything that's on my mind, and anything that I enjoy.

Bear in mind that this website is always under construction and some pages may or may not work, or even have anything on them at all.

The layout may change every now and then so feel free to stop by every once and a while to see what's changed :)

This website is best viewed on any monitor or device! (for the most part)

Link Me!

Embed Codes


<a href="https://july.lol"><img src="https://july.lol/img/lonelyjulybutton.gif" alt="july.lol"></a>



Hotlinking is okay! :D

what's on my mind?

Site Updates

  • 09/06/24
    • Added Kdove's button
    • Updated Rui's button
    • Testing out something new :0
  • 08/20/24
  • 08/18/24
    • Updated About page
  • 08/08/24
    • Fixed and removed broken buttons
    • Removed ADHMe webring, as it seems to be down indefinitely
  • 08/04/24
    • Replaced my button with a new one!
  • 07/29/24
  • 07/25/24
    • Updated some info in my About page
  • 07/23/24
    • Removed a button
    • Moved my age up 1 because MY BIRTDAY :D
  • 07/08/24
    • Changed the footer text for every page
    • Updated Max's button
  • 07/07/24
    • Added some buttons that I've made for FvF
    • Added another cool sites button
  • 07/06/24
    • Added more buttons
    • Added all tooltips to every image
  • 07/05/24
    • Added more members to VRRing
  • 07/03/24
    • Added About page
    • Fixed the Credits link on the footer not working on all pages
  • 07/02/24
    • Finished Graphics page
    • Added more buttons to index
    • Added tooltips to almost every image (just in case you can't read it)
  • 07/01/24
    • Fixed Nekowebring to not open within its iframe
    • Added Archive page
    • Added more buttons
    • Added ADHMe webring
  • 06/30/24
    • Site Revamp 4 - The Attack of the Procrastination
    • Separated "Other" and "For You" into their own sidebar sections
    • Moved VRRing to this website!
    • Added Max's stats widget

To-Do List

  • Finish other pages
  • Move VRRing over to here
  • Add more buttons
  • Make a new button for new domain and layout
  • Make credits page
  • Replace banner with a better image
  • Make a favicon

Some Cool Sites!

nekoweb shovel chimerapet amemoia suavesuede absolute-realm Nekoweb Districts naico frequency-modulator penguinjaa medjed rice nepeta max kasperspace lessthanthree melankorin Rui MyPillowFort gooseonoob.nekoweb.org Joosh trademarkization company of 2003 kdove's home