
Here are a bunch of graphics that I like!


I wish it was 2001! 32-bit Cafe This is an Anti-NFT site Best viewed with any browser Best viewed with eyes Google Chrome IS EVIL Tired of Skype? Just use Discord Rediscover the web got html? HTML learn it today! Yeah! I'm feeling plasma!

buttons I've made


black & green I LOVE CSS! Hello 2003! MY BACK HURTS Slenderman SCP Foundation Do you know the muffin man? Half-Life I gaze at stars Stargazer I'm feeling extra PLASMA


Balls. Bisexual Skull Ghost This stamp glows in the dark I love my wife I support Pluto! Is okay Pluto... It's about the music! Not the player! I will eat you :D Marble Hornets No Signal Por Portal! Rockafeller Street Saturn Space... This stamp is all wiggly :3 Ceres Earth Jupiter Mars Mercury Moon Neptune Pluto tal Pluto is a planet (fuck you) Saturn Sun Uranus Venus